Monday, November 10, 2008

Family Traditions

Every year after Thanksgiving we go up to the Santa Cruz mountains to cut down our tree. This is a ritual the Smithwick family has been doing for over thirty years!
If your family does not yet have a family ritual or tradition I would like to recommend a trip up to San Francisco's new California Academy of Arts and Science. I went today and it was a magnificent way to spend a Monday off. The new building (which is on the previous blog-I hit the wrong button), the exhibits like the rain forest, and the whole day would make a great family tradition.  Have you been there yet? Let me know by adding a comment and tell me about it.


Unknown said...

Dear Mrs.S,\

I have been to California Academy of sciencs. I liked the rainforest and aquarium the best.I also liked the Bug show.

We go to Muir Woods once a year.


Darth Vader said...

Hi Mrs.Smithwick,

I will go to the Science Museum in San Francisco on the day before Thanksgiving. I think it will be a lot of fun and learning.


Sucheta said...

Hi Mrs.Smithwick,

I haven't been to Science Museum yet but mom and dad are planning to take me there pretty soon. I can't wait to go there and learn new things.
Also, I heard turkey podcast. It was nice to hear everybody.


denise said...

Dear Mrs.S,

I just went to the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.I liked the African penguins the best.I also liked the rainforest.
